Purpose-led ESG executive accelerating sustainability outcomes. Throughout her career, Ainsley’s focus has been on developing relationships, driving improvement and leading a collaborative and responsive culture. Now as the Chief Executive Officer of Seamless, the National Clothing Product Stewardship Scheme, every day is about encouraging a circular clothing economy by 2030.
Her career spans public and private sectors including ASX-listed companies. Prior to joining Seamless, she led the Infrastructure Sustainability Council; a globally recognised sustainability standard benchmarking ESG performance of infrastructure across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. She is a champion for climate action, having led multiple industry partnerships for a resilient, inclusive transition; including convening a national alliance spanning government, business and peak bodies. Known to be an accessible values-driven leader, she advocates for the UN SDGs and is an ally to women with leadership aspirations. She holds an MBA, Bachelor of Science and post graduate degree in sustainable resource use.
Ainsley is passionate about people, nature and power tools.